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The Fullness Thereof


In The Fullness Thereof, Moshe Dor explores contemporary relationships through the prism of biblical characters.

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In The Fullness Thereof, Moshe Dor explores contemporary relationships through the prism of biblical characters.

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PoemBy the Rivers of Babylon

I want to clasp you to my heart
but my arm doesn’t move.

I want to tell you words of love
but my lips don’t move.

The love in me
has let my right hand forget

its cunning and my tongue cleaves
to the roof of my mouth.

What shall I do?
I’ll hold you with my left arm

and keep silent until
you hear me.

Born in Tel Aviv in 1932, Moshe Dor became a member of the Haganah underground, then served in the Israeli Army as a military correspondent. He studied at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University (B.A.) and later served as a Counselor for Cultural affairs at the Israeli Embassy in London. He represented Israel at the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa, was Distinguished Writer in Residence at American University, Washington, D.C., and was President of the Israeli P.E.N. For many years he was a journalist, serving as literary editor of Maariv, one of Israel’s largest newspapers, as well as a columnist and editorial writer. He is the editor with Barbara Goldberg of After the First Rain: Israeli Poems on War and Peace, translated from the Hebrew Ephraim Sten’s 1111 Days in My Life Plus Four and (with Goldberg) The Fire Stays in Red, poems by Ronny Someck.

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Dimensions 7.25 × 5.25 in

Moshe Dor

Page Count





Paper, saddle-stitched and glued into covers